Level Up Your
Graduate Hiring

Revolutionize graduate hiring with our gamified assessments. Attract, assess and hire top graduate talent — with fun and engaging hiring games.

Revolutionize graduate hiring with our gamified assessments. Attract, assess and hire top graduate talent — with fun and engaging hiring games.

attract & hire Top graduates

World Class
Employer Branding

Gamified Tests

Superior Candidate

Candidate Insights

Re-Imagine Graduate Hiring

Revamp graduate hiring with gamification for diverse talent attraction and efficient, transparent recruitment insights.

Wide Talent Pool:

Freshen up your strategy to hire graduates with gamification to captivate diverse candidates, breaking free from conventional methods and expanding your talent pool dynamically.

Gamify your recruitment to foster inclusivity, assessing varied skills and experiences. Shape a team that thrives on diverse perspectives and strengths.

Enhance transparency and efficiency, creating a candidate-centric experience while enabling recruiters to gain real-time insights through comprehensive reports.

leading brands Trust us

Assess talent for any job role, competencies and soft skills

Innovative Thinking

Identify creative problem-solving skills crucial for tackling real-world challenges.

Communication Aptitude

Assess effective communication skills vital for collaboration and success in any role.

Tech Savviness

Evaluate technological proficiency essential for success in the digital age.


Measure graduates' ability to thrive in dynamic and evolving work environments.

Team Collaboration

Assess teamwork and cooperation abilities to foster a collaborative workplace.


Test graduates' resilience in the face of challenges, ensuring they adapt and grow.

Leadership Potential

Spot potential leaders among graduates who can drive your organization forward.

Continuous Learning

Assess the enthusiasm and capability for continual learning and skill enhancement.

Example of Graduate hiring

See how leading employers have partnered with The Talent Games for their Graduate Hiring programs.

Client Endorsement

Shahzad Umar

Head of HR - Nestlé Indo-China

Thanks to Talent Games’ innovative approach to graduate hiring, Nestlé swiftly built a vibrant and diverse team of exceptional talent. Their gamified solutions streamlined our recruitment process, allowing us to efficiently identify and onboard thousands of top-tier candidates for our Nesternship. With their help, we’ve not only met but exceeded our hiring goals, ensuring a dynamic workforce ready to drive our company forward.

Assessments Completed

0.1 M+

Countries Covered

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Clients Served

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Global Partners

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Want to Hire Top graduate talent?

Transform your graduate hiring experience today with gamified assessment technology.